

I am a long time recalled for my english diary. I am so sorry, because many time don't learn language. But now, I correct the situation, listening to podcasts, read the books, going on the courses of english. I known i take more mistakes, but i dream to improve my knowledge.

@темы: English

11.11.2012 в 20:53

When I'm gone, please remember me.
Welcome back)) Glad to see you again! Good luck on your classes))

Wold you like me to correct your mistakes in this post?
12.11.2012 в 13:28

Glad to see you too!
Of course, you can correct me))
12.11.2012 в 23:25

When I'm gone, please remember me.
I am so sorry, because many time don't learn language.

1. Мне так жаль, что = I'm so sorry that
2. Много времени - a lot of time, much time, plenty of time. Time is an uncountable noun. (Неисчисляемое существительное). We use "many" only with countable nouns.
In this particular case I think it would be better to say "I'm so sorry that I didn't study the language for a long time". - If you meant that you didn't study earlier, but now you study.
If I misunderstood you and you meant something like "I study and study the language for a very long time but no matter what I do, I can't master the language" , then I think you should say "I'm so sorry that I can't master /can't learn the language".

But now, I correct the situation, listening to podcasts, read the books, going on the courses of english.

1. You don't need this comma after "now"
3. Instead of "going on" it would be better to say "attending the courses of English".

I known i take more mistakes, but i dream to improve my knowledge.

1. I know

2. make mistakes
3. They don't say "dream" in a context like this. They say "I'm looking forward to improving".

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