Today I thought about what I do for studying english.
The first I thought: Why I studying language?
I like english language, now I ‘m studying in university of tourism, and I will need english in the future.
And english it’s my hobby, I want to speak and write on it very well, I would converse easily with native.

I have plan How I must learn english, maybe it will be look funny.
Morning: I get up at 6.00. It’s not problem for me. And I will be reading news on BBC channel.
In the morning I must learn 20 idioms. I don’t know why I’m choosing this number. I have some doubt, because it is much.
Afternoon: When I come to university or go back, on the way, I’ll be listening audiobooks or podcasts And the other part of the day.
Evening: I will see films or serials on english with subtitles, and read texts with podcasts in LinQ.com

@темы: English



I am a long time recalled for my english diary. I am so sorry, because many time don't learn language. But now, I correct the situation, listening to podcasts, read the books, going on the courses of english. I known i take more mistakes, but i dream to improve my knowledge.

@темы: English


I'm not very good student, this year I transferred to a new institution, to me it is bad, so poorly attended, and now a lot of debt that must be resolved before December 19, otherwise it would be VERY bad.
My main problem is the English language and foreign area studies(бла-бла, зарубежное страноведение).
I panic!

@темы: Negative, About me


Hi all, maybe to start to tell a little about yourself.
My name is Eridan, I'm 22 years old.
I live in Russia, in the city of Ekaterinburg.
I am currently a student of 2nd year the International Institute of Tourism.
In my life I cheerful and sociable person, love doing creative work, learn to draw, make jewelry (you'll see them).
My dream is to learn to play guitar, at last, thoroughly take up the study of German language and an excellent knowledge of English (but it does it still need to learn and teach!). Until recently (somewhere in the spring) could not stand the English language, probably since high school this is not love, and in the spring as I lit up, and suddenly realized that he liked me a lot!
I love the German speech, just like to listen to, but apparently I was so used to the English, that it is very difficult with a German accent, but it does not diminish my love for the language.
Beside the creativity and enthusiasm for languages, I have several hobbies: photography, collecting dolls, and astronomy.
I photograph very badly, though it does not prevent me to continue to do more, maybe someday I will learn.
A collection of my dolls is very small, I'm always looking for the "perfect doll". One I have already found, this porcelain doll Anna Linberger.
Astronomy, I enjoy years from 12, many are surprised such a passion, I think I named Eridan no stranger like a hobby. =)

That's all, I'd be happy if you have something to tell us about yourself!)

@темы: Photo, About me

Hi all!
Someone I already know who else will get to know.
I start blogging in English, because I really love this language, but I know it very badly, I hope this method will help me to know it better. While I can write only by using the Google translator.
I still do not know yet what I'll write it here, as it will ....
If you notice an error, please correct me.
Just would love a variety of information about the language, its grammar, vocabulary.
I would be glad to communicate =)

@темы: Welcome